Monday, July 9, 2007

No Sheep for You

I am part of the No Sheep for You secret pal exchange hosted by Interweave Press. At the end of June, I sent my secret pal a little taste of IA. This fiber is actual made from a process that uses the corn kernels, not the silk or other pieces of the corn. Here is a picture of the fiber and where you can pick it up at: fields of fiber. I picked up the fiber at my LYS and saw some cute pieces made from the fiber: baby hats, scarves and socks. Sure hope she likes it!

On other knitting fronts... I'm working on a sock for me and still working on the first sock for round two of death by socks. I also missed out by a matter of hours getting into MS3... and altho it is monday, I am still crushed.

On the gardening front, 5 days of above 90 degrees means lots of watering in areas we don't normally water.... the side shade garden in the back was watered and today I would have watered up front but it rained this morning! We'll see how cool it remains before I decide if I need to add water. I do appreciate the break from watering pots today, altho it only takes 30 minutes at the most, it gives me a chance to check on them daily.

In the vegetable garden we have cucumbers coming along, tomatoes, beans and peppers. Also, our basil back there is the best it is in the yard. I picked up a new basil plant at the DSM farmer's market on Saturday, and I'm putting it back there too.

On the home front, Gretchen the wonder puppy, went fishing with dad on Saturday and in her running around got a puncture wound that ended up taking up most of our Sunday evening with trips to our regular vet and then a trip to ISU Vet Med; we're so lucky to have a good ER place to take our animals too. Today, she is pouty about the cone, but so much better.

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