Monday, December 31, 2007

2008 and resolutions

I don't know about anybody else, but making resolutions hasn't really worked for me. Oh, I've made plenty... and probably the one that worked the best was the unintentional one about 11 years ago, when in the dead of winter post christmas, pre New years, I realized I'd gone three days without a cigarette and "resolved" to continue... and I have. Technically not a NY's resolution, but still... it worked.

but this year, I was intrigued and challenged and taken in by an idea Christine Kane has on her blog the other day, Resolution Revolution. Her idea was to pick one word, one word to be your word for the year. What an idea! and due to several thoughts, ideas and activities over the last few months, without a lot of contemplation, the word that sprang to mind and stayed with me throughout the weekend was: INTENTIONS. Intentions, to do my actions with intent. to do the actions I intend to do. I don't intend for this to be a heavy word for me this year, just a thought provoking and thought intending word.

What's your word for the year?

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